Nintendo Game Boy
Ted Bundy
Berlin Wall
The Simpsons
Vixen felt as if she was missing something that was right in front of her. All of these events took place in 1989, but none of their actual dates coincided with any important events in Great-Aunt Joy's life.
What if she was looking at this the wrong way, and the numbers weren't even meant to represent a chronological figure? What if they meant something maybe the combination of a secret safe? Or perhaps the coordinates to where Great-Aunt Joy had hidden treasure lying in wait for her niece?
What am I missing, God?
Vixen got to her feet in a fit of restlessness, and her lovebirds immediately flew to perch on her right shoulder as she started pacing the length of their aviary. She still had half an hour left before her cafe officially opened for the day, and Vixen gently petted the heads of her feather babies while reconsidering her strategy.
Instead of looking at the clues like they were two separate entities, shouldn't she also take the time to consider them as two halves of a puzzle?
Her pulse actually leaped in excitement at the idea, and Vixen had this feeling she was on to something, finally .
Salt and Light chirped on her shoulder as she hurried back to her laptop and started typing. First step was to do an image search and see if Google could find an exact match or anything close to it, and from there she could look for something that was related to '1989' and... voila!
Vixen couldn't believe her eyes.
I did it!
She had actually figured out what the secret message was all about, and no wonder it had taken her so long to understand what the drawing was.
What Vixen had assumed was Claire's great-aunt hurriedly drawing some mountain range...turned out to be a stock chart, and a legendary one at that.
And as to how all of this was connected to Great-Aunt Joy...