Ceorl: Also known as Freemen, they owned their own land and were allowed to bear weapons.
Danegeld: A land tax levied by the crown, used to pay off Viking invaders in exchange for peace.
Danelaw: A code of laws established by Viking invaders in Britain.
Ealdorman: Title given to a man of high status in Anglo-Saxon England. Forerunner of the title "earl."
Folkmoot: A general meeting of the people in a town, district, or shire in Medieval Britain.
Fyrd: A local militia in an Anglo-Saxon shire, headed by the shire's ealdorman and comprised of all freemen.
Mail Byrnie: A short chain mail shirt that covered from the upper arms to the upper thighs.
Mummers: Medieval actors, often associated with masked mime.
Pottage: Thick soup or stew.
Scop: Medieval bard or poet.
Shield Boss: The round conical or convex center of a shield. Usually made of metal.
Thegn: Anglo-Saxon nobility.