‘The Tale of the Three Sisters’, author unknown
Once upon a time there were three sisters and from the day they were born it was clear that they were powerful witchkind. The people of their village shunned them and as the girls grew in power and beauty, so too did the hatred they engendered until the villagers would no longer suffer them to remain. The girls were driven out, into the wilds where dangerous creatures roamed and no one could survive the night. The village turned their backs on them and they were forgotten.
But the three witchkind sisters did not forget. They cried out for aid. They touched the flames of the Aurum and found its fire relentless and spiteful. They sought solace in the shadows of the Nox and found all its promises empty.
The Maidens of the Aurum tricked them into their stronghold but the sisters gave themselves to the wind and escaped their high walls, returning to the safety of the trees.
The witch-hunters of Ilanthus came for them but the sisters escaped them, wily and cunning as the forest itself.
What place is there left for the likes of us, they cried out, we who will not submit to these powers and bend to their rules?
An answer came from a forgotten song that still flowed through the roots of the world. The old magic came for them and offered them sanctuary. But the need for vengeance burned in their souls until all that was left was ashes.
And though the guardians of the old magic tried to comfort them, they would not listen. They did not want comfort or protection.
We will release the old magic, they said, and we will remake the world. As the Nox fell they saw their opportunity. As the Aurum grew quiet they laid their plans.
One went north to the College of Winter. One went west to the heart of Ilanthus. The last went south to Pelias, the stronghold of Asteroth.
Each of them found a place and made it their own. And they waited.
And they did not forget.