Chapter 15
Roland’s instincts kicked in before he even raised his voice in warning. He was already moving, bearing down on Robin who stood directly in the line of attack. Shadow kin rose before him in a wave but, before Roland could reach him, the boy raised his hand and said something in a musical form of othertongue that Roland didn’t recognise.
The snow changed direction, like a living thing, a blizzard swirling towards their attackers. An enchantment, it had to be. Icicles formed on the branches overhead, long and sharp as knives, before breaking free and slicing through the air. The nearest shadow kin reared back, baring its teeth and then plunging towards the witch.
Roland got there first. Whether Robin had slowed it or adrenaline made him faster, he didn’t know. It didn’t matter. He was defending children. The outcome was all that was important now. He pushed them both behind him and felt the surge of frozen air wash over him. That didn’t matter either. Couldn’t matter. He put it from his mind and thrust Nightbreaker up into the creature of the Nox. The sword blazed with light and a terrible scream tore through the night.
That brought Anselm and Olivier running, instincts as honed as his. They were knights through and through and he had trained them well. In seconds they had formed up a defensive shield around the camp and, with Robin hurling snow and ice at their enemy, they held their ground. The forest around them raged, thrashing like a wild beast, attacking their attackers, as Lark used it as an extension of her will.
But there were more shadow kin coming. Far too many.
‘Don’t let them get to the horses,’ Roland warned and Olivier backed up to defend their mounts, who were now panicking, their cries loud as they thrashed against the ropes securing them.
Roland turned to say something, even as Anselm called out a warning, and shadows rushed towards him, barrelling into him with a force which almost took him off his feet. But at the last moment, Robin was there, hands up, ice screaming forward. The shadow kin crashed into the boy. The snow stilled, the wind dying, and Robin slammed down onto the hard ground, a shadow tangled around his length, shining teeth bared. Lark screamed and the woods convulsed with her fury.
Olivier was there, plunging his sword through the creature, ripping it away from the witchkind boy.
Another lunged towards them and Anselm sliced it out of the air, his sword a line of light. Roland turned back to face another, this one intent on cutting him off from the others. Not just one, he realised, but three, all coming from different directions. The creatures were huge, the largest he had seen since the battle at Knightsford, and focused on him just like the ones which had attacked him in his office in Pelias, and this time there was no Wren or Elodie to turn the tide.
‘They’re too many,’ Anselm warned. ‘If we can get to the horses, make a break for it…’ He already sounded exhausted.
‘I’ll hold them here,’ Roland told them. If they were after him alone he could use that, give the others a chance to escape. ‘Make for the College and?—’
‘No, Grandmaster,’ Anselm said. ‘You have to go. We can hold them until you escape.’
Damn it, no. Roland refused to desert his men or the children. Not here, not like this. He gritted his teeth, ready to argue with them, ready to command them if he had to.
The shadow kin seemed focused on him alone, as if another force directed them, as if they were after him in particular. No, he was imagining things. Shadow kin were normally mindless and indeterminate. They didn’t pick out one person, not like this. But when he moved left, Nightbreaker blazing before him, that was where they went. If he could lead them away from the others…
It would be suicide. But there was no choice left. He wasn’t about to let them take the children or his men. Not when they wanted him.
But why did they want him?
The sound of horses thundered through the pass ahead of them, echoing off the mountainside. Before Roland could say anything, to warn his companions or give another order, an unearthly voice, sweet and high, broke through the noise of attack. Music filled the air and the creatures of the Nox shied back, screaming. More voices joined it, three of them, four, singing in harmonies that rippled through the snowy night. As the song reached a crescendo, the shadow kin fled.
Five figures emerged from the trees on horseback, swathed in heavy jewel-coloured robes with fur-lined hoods pulled up to hide faces. Their song fell away to silence as they circled the camp. The leader and two others swung down from their mounts, landing elegantly in the snow.
The leader brought his hands up to show he was unarmed. Roland nodded to the others who stood down, as he slowly lowered Nightbreaker.
‘Well met, Grandmaster,’ the new arrival said in a deep melodic voice. ‘We sensed the attack and came as quickly as we could. We represent the College of Winter.’
Roland nodded cautiously, but he didn’t sheathe the sword, not yet. ‘And you are?’ he asked as gracefully as he could manage.
‘Tobias Vambray of the College of Winter, Grandmaster.’
This was good. It had to be, and yet something tugged at the back of Roland’s mind, something that unsettled him. Vambray was the chancellor of the College of Winter and though Roland had never met him his name and reputation were well known. He remembered Ylena mentioning him with a sort of respect, which was rare enough.
What was the chancellor doing out here and why didn’t he introduce himself as such?
‘Well met, Master Vambray,’ said Roland, as a sickening wash of relief ran through him, still mingling with that dread uncertainty. ‘We come seeking your help. Queen Aeryn of Asteroth is lost in the Aurum and the maidens bid us find a solution within your halls.’
Vambray studied him for a long moment. Well, it was mostly true. Maryn had told him to find an answer in the College.
‘We have had word from Pelias of all that befell her and, of course, we will do all that we can to help. But we had to cut ourselves off from the world at large. For our own protection, you understand. The chancellor will explain all.’
As he spoke Roland saw the young woman standing to his left glance at him and frown as if she wanted to argue. She cleared her throat and Vambray turned his attention on her, his smile a little strained. ‘It’s fine, Vivienne. Don’t fret. All will be well.’
But though she said nothing else Vivienne didn’t look comforted. She withdrew a little, watching them closely.
‘I don’t understand,’ Roland replied. ‘Did you enchant the paths here to hide the College?’
Vambray smiled, as if that was the most natural thing in the world, the strain vanishing like morning mist in the sun. ‘It was necessary, Grandmaster. These are dangerous times. We have been waiting for you to come for some time now.’
Roland frowned. Vambray seemed so certain, adamant in that assertion, but much in this made no sense to Roland. ‘But if you had word from Pelias and you were waiting for us, why hide the roads? How could we find our way?’
‘And yet here you are. Or almost. We sent Robin and Lark to guide you, did we not? Come, we can be at the College within an hour. However,’ he paused and Roland felt that uncomfortable stutter in his chest again, ‘we have secret paths to speed us there, and we will need to blindfold you all so that you can come with us.’
At this, the chill suspicion that had nothing to do with the snow and the frigid air returned. Roland glared at him but there was nothing obviously deceptive in the man’s face.
‘Blindfolded?’ Anselm asked sharply. ‘Why? We are Knights of the Aurum. Our word should suffice if you wish us to remain silent about your paths.’
Vambray spread his hands wide. ‘Secrets are not to be shared lightly. The chancellor demands it. Besides, it is for your protection.’
Their own protection? Roland doubted that.
‘Are you not the chancellor? I thought?—’
Tobias shook his head. ‘No, I am no longer chancellor. I stepped aside. It was…it was necessary.’
‘Tobias,’ said Vivienne again, her voice a little more plaintive, but the man ignored her. His eyes darted away, as if loath to make contact with any of them. ‘Really, we should make haste.’
‘I see,’ Roland said, despite his own misgivings. He really didn’t see. But they didn’t have a choice. They needed to reach the College and find something – anything – that might help Elodie. If there was knowledge to be found, someone who could help, it would be there. ‘We agree to be blindfolded if that must be.’
So long as they had their weapons, all would be well, he told himself.
‘Chancellor Vambray – I mean, Tobias,’ the woman beside him said. The slip over the man’s title was interesting though. He might deny his title, but others still used it. What was going on here? ‘Please, reason with the children. They won’t come with us.’
Vambray shook his head, fondly, his earlier discomfort forgotten. ‘Lark and Robin are free to come and go as they wish.’
Roland frowned at the two witchkind children who had already backed up to the treeline. They had that stubborn look about them he was already beginning to dread.
‘We brought them here, as you asked,’ said Lark. ‘But we aren’t going in there. Not yet. There’s no place for us in there. And we like the open air.’
This suspicion was almost as bad as what they had displayed towards the knights. Olivier shifted uncomfortably, unwilling to let them go.
‘Come now,’ said Vambray. ‘We should be going before the shadow kin regroup and attack again. We should not even be out here. Their number grows all the time.’
‘The shadow kin?’ Roland asked. There shouldn’t be any shadow kin in this area, not the number they had encountered and certainly not enough to cut the College off completely. He needed to know the truth. Or as much of the truth as these witchkind might tell him. ‘What has been happening here? You were the chancellor.’
Vambray cast him a look of dismay.
‘Not anymore. I was honoured to step aside just two weeks ago, as my people required. The new chancellor has ordered us all to remain with the walls but…’ He shrugged. ‘Well, we still watch the paths in case anyone is in need of help, as is our way. And just as well, it seems. Now, we should move on, all of us.’
‘You sent the children out to find us?’ Roland asked. He liked this less and less.
‘We did as asked,’ Robin said. ‘But the College are not in charge of us. Now we’re leaving.’ Lark threw her arms around him, holding him close. The forest seethed again, and suddenly plants surged up around them, hiding them from view. By the time they receded the children were gone.
‘Find them,’ Roland barked at the others. ‘Quickly.’
But Vambray shook his head. ‘No need. They are safer than we are, I promise you. They are not children, Grandmaster. Not really. They are wild creatures and will not thank us for trying to control them. And they are right, they shouldn’t be in the College, not now.’
Roland exchanged a worried glance with Olivier and Anselm, but what could they do? The children were gone as if they had never been there. Wild creatures? What did that mean?
But had his own instincts not told him that they were not quite…normal either?
Tobias Vambray cleared his throat. ‘I swear to you, Grandmaster, no harm will befall them. They go as they will in this world. We know them of old. Old magic, you see? Now, if you please, let us get you to safety.’