Cait, Trak, Noah, and Ashley sat before the senior leaders, shaking their heads, unsure of what to say.
“I realize that meditative yoga might have been new for them,” said Cait, “but that was the most stressed group of men I’ve ever been around, and I’ve lived with all of you for decades.”
“Was it pressure around the game?” asked Ian.
“I don’t think so. I do think we should ask to see a contract if we could. Maybe Trevon would let us see his,” said Cait.
“Funny, I heard my name and contract in the same sentence,” said Trevon, walking into the room. “I’m sorry to bother y’all, but Noelle said I should come right over here.”
“What’s going on? Is everything okay?” asked Ghost.
“No, sir, everything is not okay. I was just told I would not be receiving the payout of my contract or any medical benefits from the league. They said my contract says when I am released due to injury, they don’t have to pay me anything.”
“That can’t be legal,” frowned Nine. “Didn’t the NFL change their rules decades ago about that? They were in a lot of deep shit for the way they paid disabilities. Aren’t you all connected?”
“No. That’s the problem. We’re not unionized like the others. We don’t have the same benefits, nothing. I just don’t know what to do. I’m not desperate for money, but I know for sure some of those guys would be if this happened to them. Is there anything we can do to help them? I’ve got savings. I’ll pay y’all.”
“You won’t pay us a damn thing,” said Gaspar. “You’re one of ours now, Trevon.”
“Hey,” said Georgie, coming into the room. “Noelle called and said there was something I needed to look at. A contract or something.”
“Yes, ma’am,” said Trevon. “My contract.” He explained the situation to Georgie again as she casually perused the contract information. Occasionally, she’d hold up a finger to silence him, then wave him to go on again.
“Well, Georgie?” asked Nine.
“I’m not sure how this is legal. Did you have an attorney read this before you signed it?” she asked.
“Miss Georgie, I was a kid, twenty-two, when I signed that. I didn’t know any better, and I thought I was getting a great start to my future life as a professional player. When it would come up for renewal, they told me it was all the same, and I believed them.”
“This contract gives all the rights to the owners. All. They can end your contract without notice, without reason, and stop your pay immediately, with no options to get any bonuses. In fact, you could have led them to the championship game, which, according to this, has a bonus payout of fifty grand, but if you were released before game time, you don’t get a dime.”
“So, I can’t do a thing about any of this? I won’t get paid for the remainder of my contract. I have no health benefits for injuries received while playing, and I get no bonuses, nothing?”
“I’m afraid not. At least not as of right now. If you give me permission, Trevon, I’ll review as many of the contracts as allowed. But yours? I will definitely fight yours.”
“How can they get away with this?” asked Nine.
“It’s as he said. They’re not unionized. The league executives almost seem like a dummy board. If I had to guess, there is no set relationship with the NFL, although they like to make their players believe that there is. The NFL is a behemoth. They probably just brushed it all away as an annoyance.”
“What about Butch’s contract? What about everything he was owed? For his daughter,” asked Trevon.
“I don’t know, honey. But I’ll find out. He deserves that. She deserves that. Do you have a copy of his contract?”
“I don’t, but I would bet Lara does. She kept all his papers and personal things in their home in Scottsdale.”
“Okay. Don’t worry about anything. I’ll look into this, and we’ll see if we can find out what’s happening. I’m going to grab my handsome husband and get down to the courthouse and pull the public records on all of this.”
“Trevon, there’s nothing to worry about, son. You have employment with us now, you have the cabin, you have healthcare, all of it. You’re taken care of.”
“I know,” he said, nodding, “but what about the others? What if someone on the team is doing something to intentionally injure players?”
“We didn’t get a sense of that,” said Trak. “We felt something strange happening, but nothing dark. Noah didn’t get a feel for any ghosts. None.”
“You feel ghosts?” asked Trevon, staring at the big Viking.
“I can see and feel their presence,” said Noah. “There was none, which felt strange since Butch died there.”
Trevon nodded with a frown, then turned to leave.
“Trevon? You okay, brother?” asked Ghost.
“Yes, sir. I’m gonna head back to Miss Noelle and get to work, take my mind off of everything for a while. I’ll send a text to Lara asking about Butch’s contract.” Gaspar gripped his massive shoulders, squeezing them.
“It will work out, son. It might not feel like it right now, but it will. We’re going to find the truth about Butch, and we’ll bring those responsible to justice.” He nodded with a sad face.
“And if Butch is responsible? How do we punish him for all this?” Before anyone could answer, Trevon walked away. Gaspar looked at Ashley.
“Will you keep an eye on him, honey?”
“You know I will. He’s scheduled for some sessions with Bree and I tomorrow. I’ll let you know how it goes. There’s a lot for him to unpack. I’m not sure Lara is in love with him, but I think he’s in love with her. He’s a big man with a big heart, and he’s not a child, yet, in many ways, he’s na?ve about a lot of things.”
“I wonder if all the men are like that,” said Nine.
“I can say definitively they are not,” said Trak. “Some of those men struck me as calculating. Almost like mercenaries.”
“Well, that’s not fucking scary at all, is it?” said Ghost.
“I will say that the one person who seemed to take our sessions very seriously was Kurt, the new quarterback. He was completely engaged with me,” said Cait.
“Me too,” said Ashley. “He seems like a good young man from what I’ve seen so far. I can only imagine the guilt he feels taking the place of a veteran like Butch.”
“But I did not feel that when I was around him,” said Noah.
“I didn’t either,” said Trak. “This is all strange. Maybe Alvin can help.”
“Trak, don’t fuck with me today. I’m tired, and Mama is driving us all crazy with the holiday decorations and events. Alvin cannot help.”
“He could. Let him decide who is guilty. He has great instincts.”
“I can’t entertain this conversation right now,” said Gaspar. “I’m hungry. I’ll see y’all later.” Gaspar left the room, the others smirking at his back. Trak shrugged, waving his hands in the air.
“He could help. I’m just saying.”