11.05 P.M.
Although the task was a bit of a ball-ache, Penn could understand why the boss had insisted that all names from the litter-pick had to be checked.
The first half of the list had proven to be a bust, but the second half had been a lot more interesting.
The first person of interest was thirty-eight-year-old Peter Harris, who lived around a mile from the nature reserve and had one charge of assault under his belt. On the face of it, a stretch inside appeared to have cured his thirst for violence, and he’d either been clean or not caught for almost ten years.
His second contender was forty-two-year-old Richard Johnston, who had been dealing drugs since his late teens and was litter-picking as part of his community service.
It wasn’t much, but at least it was something. If the Jester had been watching them from the beginning, there was a possibility he was one of these two men.