Author: M.A. Nichols
  • Rivals and Roses (The Vaughns Book 1)
    Rivals and Roses (The Vaughns Book 1)
    Historical · M.A. Nichols

    What is Dr. Arthur Vaughn to do? When he moved to the country, he hadn’t anticipated meeting an intriguing and intelligent lady who shares his love of medicine. Or losing his heart to her the very first day.

    But how does one court a lady when one’s tongue ties itself into knots whenever she is near?

    What is Violet Templeton to do? Her family’s finances are holding on by a thread, and when a rival doctor settles in the village, stealing away their patients, Violet knows she has to get rid of him. One way or another, she must protect her family.

    But how does one destroy a sweet man, who treats her like an equal and not a domineering bluestocking?

    Can two lonely hearts survive the war to come? Or will they both end as casualties?

  • Once Upon a Winter's Eve (Christmas Courtships Book 3)
    Once Upon a Winter's Eve (Christmas Courtships Book 3)
    Historical · M.A. Nichols

    He thinks shes a maid. She thinks hes a penniless poet. ‘Tis the season for a misunderstanding!

    Julian Knight cannot believe his luck. Spending a month with his literary hero is a dream come true, but when he starts the visit by mistaking the fellow’s daughter for the maid, Julian quickly discovers how easily a little mistake can ruin his plans.

    But beneath that stern exterior, he discovers the lady isn’t quite so dour as she seems. Quite appealing, in fact. If only she would give him a chance…


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