Bound By Force (The Fate Bound Saga Book 2)Fantasy · KD Fraser
Stolen away from my mates, Ive now found myself imprisoned, and at the mercy of a man far worse than Zorvan ever was. Day in and day out I spend my time answering to every whim of my personal jailer while longing for Feldorn and the people there that Ive grown to love and care for.
Onlythe cruel man in charge of making my life unbearable is not the one in charge. In fact, both of us are only pawns in a much grander scheme.
It doesnt take long for my tormentors plans to backfire, and soon we find ourselves in an unlikely alliance, working toward getting me freed from my cell in order to work toward the betterment of Sangaris. Ive vowed that I wont allow myself to care for him, but fate is holding me hostage once again.
I only hope my mates back in Feldorn can forgive me.