Author: Emily E K Murdoch
  • A Chance in a Million (The Chances Book 5)
    A Chance in a Million (The Chances Book 5)
    Historical · Emily E K Murdoch

    Thomas Chance, newly minted Duke of Cothrom, isn’t exactly brilliant at spotting chances in a million. For example, he’s gambled away the family fortune.

    It’s hardly endeared him to his rule-following father, William, and now Thomas has to gain back the family wealth, earn back his father’s trust, and absolutely not fall in love with the woman whose fortune he’s trying to marry.

    Easier said than done.

    Fortunately perhaps, Miss Victoria Ainsworth has her wits about her and sees straight through the nobleman with rakish good looks and a devilish reputation. Victoria swiftly sees through Thomas’s ridiculous charade of affection—the man just wants her dowry!

    Well. Let him have it. And her.

    A marriage of convenience is supposed to be convenient, but there’s nothing more inconvenient for Thomas than the burgeoning emotions he can’t control, or the gossip starting to flicker through Society.

    Worse still, Victoria’s con may be fooling more than just Thomas. Is it possible that instead of fooling him…she’s fooling herself?

  • Half a Chance (The Chances Book 4)
    Half a Chance (The Chances Book 4)
    Historical · Emily E K Murdoch

    Frederick Chance, Viscount Pernrith, isn’t really a Chance. Not entirely.

    The illegitimate son of the late Duke of Cothrom, he’s tolerated by his three brothers and ostracized from the best circles. His title is a pity gesture from the family that never truly accepted him, and his bastard origins mean no one in Society will take him seriously.

    Particularly not the latest rose of Society…

    Miss Edith Stewart, on the other hand, is rather sick of Society’s attention. Flourishing rose of the Season? What rot.

    She’s far more interested in the forbidden. The edges of Society. Those to whom she should, apparently, not be speaking.

  • An Outside Chance (Chances Book 3)
    An Outside Chance (Chances Book 3)
    Historical · Emily E K Murdoch

    George Chance, Earl of Lindow, is going to be rich. Probably. As soon as these cards behave.

    And he most certainly doesn’t need a woman—a woman!—beating him at cards and then disappearing into Bath Society.

    After all, he’s got his horses to concentrate on. And they really win start to win races. Soon.

    But every time he attempts to concentrate, the irritating and beautiful woman keeps appearing and beating everyone who challenges her at cards. An outside chance, every time.

    To Miss Doris Loughty—“Dodo” to her loved ones—it is not an outside chance. It’s mathematics. Probability, calculations that are so simple to her and yet seemingly impossible to others.

    But the winning itself isn’t important—it’s the money she so desperately needs that is the priority. So when the arrogant Lord Lindow demands that she teach him all her tricks and promises to pay for the pleasure…

    Well. There’s no chance anything can go wrong, can there?

  • A Fighting Chance (The Chances Book 1)
    A Fighting Chance (The Chances Book 1)
    Historical · Emily E K Murdoch

    William Chance, Duke of Cothrom, is tired of fighting for his family's reputation.

    And it's not like his wayward brothers do much to help. Rascals, rakes, and rogues, the lot of them—and William is always the one picking up the pieces and staving off scandal.

    He needs stability. He needs calm. He needs certainty.

    He doesn't need a wild young woman launching herself into his arms and demanding that he marry her . . .

    But marriage is precisely what Alice Fox-Edwards does need. After surviving a scandal four years ago, the threats of a blackmailer now mean she must find a protector—preferably one with lots of money.

    An unlikely pairing, to be sure, but William decides that a wife will give him the balance he so desperately needs. Because Miss Fox-Edwards has no outrageous past, does she? Nothing that might upset his calm or set any tongues wagging. Surely, she wouldn't lie about a thing like that . . .

  • A Second Chance (Chances Book 2)
    A Second Chance (Chances Book 2)
    Historical · Emily E K Murdoch

    John Chance, Marquess of Aylesbury, has most unfortunately run out of second chances.

    That's why he's turning up at a house party in search of a wealthy wife. Anyone will do. The Aylesbury coffers are empty, and his older brother has given him a second chance to set gambling aside and find some respectability. John doesn't expect Miss Florence Bailey to be there.

    Florence Bailey. The woman he courted two years ago. The woman he kissed passionately and felt—felt…

    The woman he should have proposed to…and ran away from. Florence Bailey is a wallflower, and proud of it. Hating every moment of the house party, she watches the Marquess of Aylesbury arrive with shock and a strange, ridiculous idea.

    It would never work—John had already proven he couldn't be trusted. But a second chance could be the healing of her heart, and Florence is determined to try—try—to trust him.

    As long as John can keep it quiet that he's only wooing Florence for her money, this second chance could be just what he needs…


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